Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Purpose Of Fume Purification System Essay - 1514 Words

2.2.3 Fume purification system 10720BFor the purpose of fume purification system, two Singaporean SKG-KFC treatment lines are employed, with a fume treatment capacity of 100,000 Nm3/h. The purification process includes semidry-SNCR, spray reactor, activated carbon lime injection, and bag-type dust remover. Activated lime mortar will be sprayed in the spray reaction tower for deacidification; urea solution will be sprayed in the incinerator for denitration; activated carbon sprayed in the flue for detoxification, and the dedusting will be carried out by bag type dust remover. The flying ash and resulting product of reaction will be subjected to solidification process. See Table 12-6 for the amount of pollution in the exhaust after purification as per design. 1350BTable 12-6 Amount of Pollution Exhaust after Purification 6985BEmission 6986BUnit 6987BNumerical value 6988BRemarks 1.1 6989BDust 6990Bmg/Nm3 6991B10 6992BMeasured average value 6993BHCl 6994Bmg/Nm3 6995B50 6996BHourly average value 6997BHF 6998Bmg/Nm3 6999B2 7000BHourly average value 7001BSOX 7002Bmg/Nm3 7003B100 7004BIn SO2 7005BNOX 7006Bmg/Nm3 7007B200 7008BIn NO2 7009BCO 7010Bmg/Nm3 7011B100 7012BHourly average value 7013BNH3 7014Bmg/Nm3 7015B10 7016BHourly average value 7017BHg 7018Bmg/Nm3 7019B0.1 7020BMeasured average value 7021BCd 7022Bmg/Nm3 7023B0.1 7024BMeasured average value 7025BPb 7026Bmg/Nm3 7027B0.2 7028BMeasured average value 7029BDioxin 7030Bng-TEQ/ Nm3 7031B0.1 10721B(Data source:Show MoreRelatedSynthesis Of Alum From Aluminum Can Pieces1506 Words   |  7 Pagespowder, leather tanning, and as a flocculant in water purification, etc. The negative ionic charge of alum of potassium and its molecular structure makes this compound unable to be absorbed by the skin, therefore, it is sometimes used as antiperspirants by deodorant industries. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Controversial Issue Of Public Health Issue - 725 Words

Bryan Canterbury GPH 714 Writing Assignment #5 Prof: Dr. Praphul Joshi 10/23/2013 Controversial Public Health Issue There are several controversial issues confronting us today; from Universal Healthcare (Obama Care) to Stem Cell research, to vaccinations, to genetically engineered (GE)/genetically modified (GM) foods. However, I shall look at genetically modified foods as the controversial issue for this article. I shall look at an article from the mass media about this controversial public health issue and place emphasis on the message the document wants to convey and address any biases that may be within. In addition, I shall provide additional data or facts from another article to see if it supports or refutes the controversial message. It is my intention that this article will provide some clarity on genetically modified foods confronting us in the United States and the world over. Since the successful cloning of Dolly, the sheep, in July 5, 1996, Biotechnology has been praised and castigated at the same time. It has been the center of controversies and has come under fire from scientific communities, political leaders, religious leaders, and public interest groups. Ethical and moral issues have been the leading causes of this controversial topic from the scientific community, political leaders, and religious leaders. However, fear, misinformation, or lack of knowledge about gene manipulation or genetic engineering seems to be the leading concerns of public interestShow MoreRelatedAbortion : A Controversial Ethical, Legal And Public Health Issue824 Words   |  4 PagesWhether or not abortion should be restricted in the law is a controversial ethical, legal and public health issue that affects us all. While some countries have a legal restriction on abortion, Canada has no legal constraints: abortion is regulated and determined by the health act. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Interesting characters Essay Example For Students

Interesting characters Essay How does the poet create interesting characters in Sings Song? BY Mahatmas The poet, Dally Anagram was born in Bradford, 1966 and comes from an Indian descent. His poetry mostly explores those who experience first generation immigrants to Britain and those of their children and grandchildren. He mostly uses language and spelling that reflects Bungles; English language first spoken by Punjabi. In this poem he attempts to describe the life of a romantic Punjabi couple who lives and works in their dads shop. He tries to represent the community experiences as overheating and by doing so he creates interesting characters for the reader to experience by language and attitudes towards others and life. The form and structure of the poem is a song which is stated in the title. We can infer this as the narrator has a strong lyrical voice and the poem is filled with rhyme, rhythm and repetition to create a sense of a chorus. The reader is able to experience many different stanza patterns finishing In four stanzas that reveal a conversation between the two speakers. We will write a custom essay on Interesting characters specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The fact that the poet uses this poem as a Eng suggests the two characters are somewhat different than others. The use of this song reveals Interesting characters as It straightaway portrays the type of characters which will be presented in the poem; happy and exciting characters. Anagram also uses language to portray the interesting characters presented in the poem. Firstly, sound is created especially by the rhythmic and alliterative effect by the increase numbers of d and V sounds in the song. The use of e for example in chapatti and chutney tends to dominate the song as Punish tone is revealed. The SE of rhyme gives a swing to the poem and speeds up the meter for example in the 2nd stanza the speak states in separate lines chutney and Pitney. However towards the end of the poem In the stanzas set at night, the rhyme gradually disappears and the meter slows down. It matches the Intimate feeling of the most affectionate moment of the poem and for the couple. The use of the word moon and the repetition of ;from del stool each night Is quite romantic for the reader as we are able to identify the sexual tension between the two speakers as they appear to come to kook at the moon each night. Therefore, the reader gains interest to see such loved up characters through the use of sound in the poem. Anagram also uses imagery very effectively in the poem as he uses the main speaker to describe her wife in a way which we would not expect. Firstly even though the speaker describes her to have tiny eyes ova a gun and tummy ova a teddy which does not create an attractive Imagery his love for her is clearly shown. These two descriptions also tells us a lot about his bride by using the two comparisons of gun ND teddy. The guns shows her assertive side but the teddy suggests affection and softness. The use of the language In all del colors of Punjabi draws an Idea of colorful language but also that behind the stereotype of the Indian immigrant, there interest towards the two characters as the man seems to love his bride no matter how unattractive she but due to her individual self which is revealed through Angoras use of imagery. The speakers affect on the reader is also reflected by his attitude towards others. For example in the first stanza it is clearly shown that the speaker dislikes working in his dads shop for 12 hours everyday. He complains how he vent me not to have break and so he do did lock when nobody in. The second stanza starts off straight away with coos up did stairs is my newly bride. Here the speaker clearly is very fond and proud of his new wife which is clarified by the use of the pronoun my. The fact he uses this suggests that he is showing off his new wife but she belongs to him and no- one else. .u372dd60d1f59ab51621148e6dd111140 , .u372dd60d1f59ab51621148e6dd111140 .postImageUrl , .u372dd60d1f59ab51621148e6dd111140 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u372dd60d1f59ab51621148e6dd111140 , .u372dd60d1f59ab51621148e6dd111140:hover , .u372dd60d1f59ab51621148e6dd111140:visited , .u372dd60d1f59ab51621148e6dd111140:active { border:0!important; } .u372dd60d1f59ab51621148e6dd111140 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u372dd60d1f59ab51621148e6dd111140 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u372dd60d1f59ab51621148e6dd111140:active , .u372dd60d1f59ab51621148e6dd111140:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u372dd60d1f59ab51621148e6dd111140 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u372dd60d1f59ab51621148e6dd111140 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u372dd60d1f59ab51621148e6dd111140 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u372dd60d1f59ab51621148e6dd111140 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u372dd60d1f59ab51621148e6dd111140:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u372dd60d1f59ab51621148e6dd111140 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u372dd60d1f59ab51621148e6dd111140 .u372dd60d1f59ab51621148e6dd111140-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u372dd60d1f59ab51621148e6dd111140:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Lord Byron Poet Analysis EssayThe speaker clearly does not respect his dad as he chooses to spend time tit his wife then take care of his family business. The speaker also does not care about the shoppers as all they do is complain which is revealed in two stanzas. He doesnt really do his Job properly as the shoppers are always complaining for example they state did worst Indian shop. The fact the shoppers state Indian shop could allude to the fact that the setting of which the characters live in was very diverse. Therefore, his attitude towards others as a whole is that he doesnt care for all he wants is to be with his wife. It is quite interesting for the reader that the main speaker seems so proud of his wife even after the way she acts. The main character itself seems cultural as he has chapatti and his dad still controls him by making him run his own shop. However his wife is very different which is indicated as the speaker states she wears a Tartan scare and has a red crew cut. The fact that she dresses up so modernism and he is k with it could reveal how much he loves her no matter how she dresses especially when living in a cultural family. His bride also acts very rudely indirectly towards her husband as she swears at his mum, makes fun of his dad and goes on a dating website which is revealed when he states she is netting two cat on her Sikh lover website. His sadness is shown however he seems to ignore it soon after as he states proudly my bride in the next stanza. Therefore, the fact he is easily able to do this reveals the interesting side of his character and his wifes. In conclusion, Dahlia Anagram creates two very interesting character through structure of the poem and language to reveal attitudes presented.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Trx Case Essay Example

Trx Case Essay 1. How does the strategic repositioning of the company and the use of the IPO as an exit for minority shareholders affect the attractiveness of the IPO? The strategic repositioning of the company was to gradually shift away and exist from customer care which TRX generated more than 50% in 2000, and Davis’s long term strategy was to focus on the higher margin sectors, such as data transaction and integrations. By shifting away from customer care, of course would reduce operational cost and increase bottom line for the company but I think it would affect the attractiveness of the IPO in negative way. If I was an investor I would be in agreement with TRX only if they were reducing the customer care due to the high operating cost, but I mean reducing, not totally exist. In the service based company, interacting with end consumers is critical even know it has lower margin but the company should be able to profit from it, if it continues to operate in the future which I believe would create higher customer satisfaction and strong long term relationship with end-consumers. Davis decided to use the strategy to make the financial data looking good or positioning the company for the IPO which he knows that he was going to do in the future because the company need capital to support the firm’s growth, however to exist a sector was not good way to start with the risk that they might have lower customer satisfaction, as the company went IPO, any negative issues would tank the company’s shares if they were not in good relation with end consumers. We will write a custom essay sample on Trx Case specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Trx Case specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Trx Case specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Davis had chance to improve the attractiveness of the IPO, he had two options; first one was go ahead with the IPO at the lower price of $9 per share, then he had to deal with Hogg Robinson whose intention was to exit TRX, and Sabre whose was in its best interest to sever the relationship with TRX. Their lack of agreement would eventually block the IPO, in order to prove the attractiveness of the IPO; Davis has to convince those two companies to agree upon the price so the proper managerial plan could carry forward. Second, David would just wait for some time to grow the company and complete the exit from the customer care business before the next IPO attempt while increase higher margin businesses. The use of the IPO as an exit for minority shareholders would eventually help the company better alignment of his stakeholders while offering liquidity for those minority shareholders an â€Å"easy out† which would increase the attractiveness of the IPO for small investors. 1. Estimate a preliminary file range for TRX’s shares. CSFB had prepared a valuation of the file price range by comparing TRX to comparable publicly traded companies, there are really no direct competitors as a result there were not going to be perfect comparable company. The methods CSFB and TRX’s management believed are best for them are both enterprise and price earnings multiples which would bring the company credit for its strong cash flow and an improving earnings outlook. In the EXHIBIT 9, by using enterprise multiple methods which a measure of a companys value, often used as an alternative to straightforward market capitalization. Enterprise value is calculated as market cap plus debt, minority interest and preferred shares minus total cash and cash equivalents. Base on the result estimated from 2005-2006, the enterprise for online travel sector were around 15, for Payment Processors were about 10 and for distribution is around 7. The calculation is based on CSFB’s financial projections on its own research and forecasts of TRX’s business, and is more conservative if compared to TRX’s management’s forecasting. The second method is price earnings, it is a valuation of a company’s current share price compared to its per share earnings and we calculated it by taking market value per share divided it by earnings per share, the ratio for online travel is around 25, for payment processors is about 20, for distribution is around 17, a high price earning suggests that investors are expecting higher earnings growth in the future compared to companies with a lower price earnings. For those two methods, a 15% discount was applied to this equity value based on the banker’s belief that a newly public firm would not trade at the same value as a seasoned firm. The proposed IPO filing ranged based on analysis should be set at least $11 to $13 per share. However, due to the investor demand during the time of TRX’s road show were really low, and the final IPO offer price will have to be $9 in order to attract more or enough investors. Technology changes so fast and brutal to make it more serious, Davis’s long term goal as discussed in question 4 might not be as good as it really is due the uncertainties of being in such shifting and fast moving tech world, it is very likely that TRX might or ight not fail, we don’t know but if the company did not keep up with the skilled workforce and future prospects, it would put the company in a very difficult position even after IPO, if they are lucky, there could be some big investor jump in and take over the company but the chance are too low because TRX’s is still too young in terms of operation, and even know that the revenue have been steadily increasing, the net income we re still negative and there were too many I considered red flags in the financial statement, for example, goodwill on TRX’s balance sheet have increased dramatically from 2003-2004, and current portion of long term debt almost 7 times as higher than previous year, all those factors be main contributor to the future’s success of the company. One last thing is that while the TRX is going public, two of its main investors want to exit; if I am an investor, I wouldn’t want to invest in the company. 2. Given the situation Davis faced in September 2005, what would you recommend that he do with respect to the offering? The situation Davis faced in September 2005 was tough, but the situation could be solved if he could convince Hogg Robinson, and Sabre which I recommend him to signify all the positive aspects of TRX such that they have strong relationship between majority shareholder in BCD technology, and present the fact that due to the 911 incident, the travel industry had experienced some serious headwinds and should be recover as matter of time soon in the future and company will started to make profit if IPO is successfully launched, and proper managerial plan is implemented. Besides, some strength such that its ability to automate and engineer travel and travel related processes, if Hogg Robinson and Sabre agreed to the $9 price, then Davis should proceed with the IPO which will help TRX to raise capital to support growth and accelerate the transition away from customer care, when the company started to grow so their stock price should start to increase too therefore making up the difference of the company’s expectation. I would recommend him do whatever he could at his best to proceed the IPO and I think it is the best option for the company. Otherwise chose the second option which is to withdraw the IPO and allow TRX time to grow and complete the exit from the customer care businesses, and some of TRX’s operational uncertainty would also be reduced because the time might not be right as Delta and Northwest Airlines declared bankruptcy and the overall difficulties and risk as being a technology company. The first dimension be a proper fit, TRX cannot define all major problems and issues that is facing probing and analytical investment, and its products and services were only few, the information about the future perspective of the company given by the Davis were too simple, the only thing that he mentioned again and again is that the company need capital to expand and support growth. The company has the working capital deficit almost four times higher by comparing from 2001-2005 and two investment companies for TRX have declared they want to exit even when the TRX want go to public which would indicate that there are something wrong within the company or perhaps they just aren’t in agreement about that fact that the company is going public so TRX is not proper fit in the first dimension. Second, sharing of ownership seems to be a bit problem, as Davis have indicated that going public offered liquidity for minority shareholders, and lead to a better alignment of his stakeholde rs. As what it sounds like that Davis did not really want to give up majority of its shares to other companies therefore is not fit on this dimension too. Third dimension is investors appeal, Davis and TRX management met with investment bank which they selected Credit Suisse First Boston because CSFB had strong analyst coverage in the online travel and data transaction sector which Davis believed would help investors understand TRX’s business model therefore they do fit in this dimension in terms of helping investors to understand their business model. Fourth one is the amount raised in capital for the company, Davis decided to officially start the IPO process with a proposed IPO of 6. 8 million shares of common stock, 3. 4 million primary share, and 3. 4 million secondary shares. Even though they have all the shares planed out, Davis did not give any clear idea of how much the company really need to expand and how much ownership he is willing to abandon, as a result I will state that TRX did not meeting this dimension. Fifth, the purpose and timing of the IPO, Davis has been thinking about going public since 2000, but due to the dot-come bubble burst, he was forced to abandon its IPO. After carefully exam the technology IPO market performance, Davis finally decided to file an S-1 registration statement with the U. S. SEC. on May 9, 2005. In term of purpose and timing, Davis has been very carefully, I think that he knows that he needs this success in IPO in order to support the company.