Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Smu 1st Sem Assmnt Questions 2010

Fall 2010 Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 1 MB0041 †Financial and Management Accounting †4 Credits (Book ID :B1130) Assignment Set-1 (60 Marks) Note: Each question conveys 10 Marks. Answer all the inquiries. Q. 1 Explain the Various bookkeeping Concepts and Principles? Q. 2 Pass diary passages for the accompanying exchanges 1. Madan started business with money Rs. 70000 2. Bought merchandise using a credit card 14000 3. Pulled back for private utilize 3000 4. Products bought for money 12000 5. Paid wages 5000 Q. 3 Explain the different kinds of blunders unveiled by Trial Balance? [10 Marks] [10 Marks] 10 Marks] Q. 4 From the accompanying adjusts removed from Trial balance, get ready Trading Account. The end stock toward the finish of the period is Rs. 56000 Particulars Stock on 1-1-2004 Returns inwards Returns outwards Purchases Debtors Creditors Carriage inwards Carriage outwards Import obligation on materials got from abroad Clearing charges Rent of busines s shop Royalty paid to extricate materialsAmount in Rs. 70700 3000 102000 56000 45000 5000 4000 6000 7000 12000 10000 10 Marks] Fall 2010 Fire protection on stock Wages paid to laborers Office compensations Cash markdown Gas, power and water Sales 000 8000 10000 1000 4000 250000 Q. 5 Differentiate Financial Accounting and Management bookkeeping? [10 Marks] Q. 6 Following is the Balance Sheet of M/s Srinivas Ltd. You are required to set up a Fund Flow Statement Particulars Equity Share capital Profit and Loss 14,750 17,000 31,000 15,000 16,500 2006 50,000 2007 65,000 Particulars Cash adjusts Debtors Investment 25,000 5,000 27,000 nil 80,000 (7000) 2006 10,000 2007 13,000 [10 Marks] Trade Creditors 29,000 Mortgage 10,000 Fixed Assets 50,000 Less: Depreciation (5,250) Short term advances 15,000 Accrued costs 8,000 7,500 Goodwill 5,000 nilStock Total 1, 26,750 1, 52,000 Total 37,000 1, 26,750 39,000 1, 52,000 Additional Information: 1. Devaluation gave is Rs. 1750. 2. Discount generosit y. 3. Profit paid Rs. 3500. Fall 2010 Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 1 MB0041 †Financial and Management Accounting †4 Credits (Book ID :B1130) Assignment Set-2 (60 Marks) Note: Each question conveys 10 Marks. Answer all the inquiries. Q. 1 Explain the devices of Management bookkeeping? Marks] Q. 2 Find the commitment and benefit earned if the selling cost per unit is Rs. 25, variable expense per unit Rs. 20 and fixed cost Rs. ,05,000 for the yield of 80,000 units. [10 Marks] Q. 3 Explain the basic highlights of budgetary control? Marks] Q. 4 A huge retail locations makes 25% of its deals for money and the equalization on 30 days net. Because of defective assortment practice, there have been misfortunes from terrible obligations to the e xtent [10 of 1 % of credit deals on normal in the past.The experience of the store tells that ordinarily 60 % of credit deals are gathered in the month following the deal, 25% in the second after month and 14 % in the third after month. Deals in the previous three months have been January 2007 Rs. 80,000, February Rs. ,00,000 and March Rs. 1,40,000. Deals for the following three months are evaluated as April Rs. 1,50,000, May Rs. 1,10,000 and June Rs. 1,00,000. Set up a timetable of anticipated money assortment. [10 Marks] Q. 5 A processing plant chips away at standard costing framework. The standard assessments of material for the assembling of 1000 units of a ware are 400 kg at Rs. 2. 50 for every kg. At the point when 2000 units of a product are fabricated, it is discovered that 820 kgs of material is devoured at Rs. 2. 60 for each kg. Ascertain the material difference Marks] Q. 6 The Anchor Company Ltd creates the vast majority of its electrical parts in its own plant.The organization is at present thinking about the achievability of purchasing a section from an outside provider for Rs. 4. 5 for each part. In the event that this were done, month to month expenses would increment by Rs. 1,000 [10 Fa ll 2010 The part viable is made in Department 1 alongside various different parts. Because of stopping the creation of this part, Department 1 would have to some degree diminished activities. The normal month to month utilization creation of this part is 20,000 units. The expenses of creating this part on per unit premise are as per the following. Material Labor (half-hour) Fixed overheads Total costs Rs. 1. 80 2. 40 0. 80 5. 00 [10 Marks]

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Ethics Finance Case studie

Question: Incorporate and convey information on morals and polished skill in money related administrations from corporate and singular points of view in national and global settings. Answer: Discussion Topic Morals are the instruction of moral qualities and the choices. Because of the differing assortment of administrative enhancements and new advertisement disappointments, good manners has stayed stressed to principled guidelines archived inside the accounting calling. Morals instruction and preparing will have practically zero effect on decreasing corporate falls internationally later on. Position Business ethics lessens the oppurtuinities for a corporate to make tremendous benefits. Focused on model, an overall partnership can move its assembling ability to a creating country to lessen sums. Extensions emerging utilized conditions, for instance pay and better reasonableness and insurance esteems decay the degree of the sparing of the organization that it wants for. By and by there is battling view that the limits on company approval will support more extensive culture. With surveys and realities, moral arrogances by evaluators negatively affects the general public whichj will bring about parcel of cheating, falsification, doubt and will decrease the currency market and capital market exchanges and will negatively affect them. Now and then morals has basically no end and isn't gainful for the general public and some negative and terrible things will keep on occurring. There has been visit shams, stings deluding monetary examination, with defilement. Protecting the Position Battles emerge when a companys investors don't overwhelmingly contribute in the business and rather enlist master the board to maiantain and run the partnership. One of the challenges of a moral compliance program is that it requires the wide-extending arrangement of association to be genuine. Everyperson attempt to apply their own particular manners and standards which can create turmoil and ruin. For instance, an executive who will in general look the other way when his faculty are submitting sexual inconvenience sets a model that can begin to debilitate the entire business theory (Macdonald, 2016) After such great virtues the inspector can't distinguish trickery and phoniness in the records of the association (The discussion, 2015) With great moral practices regularly there are tricks, debasement happening everywhere With great moral qualities and good guidelines the organization can't show genuine announcement s of the monetary books and doesn't convey appropriate bookkeeping data and simply center around sparing charges and not recording legitimate income age sources and legitimate costs. Business attitudewith the qualities and it misgivings may damagingly change an examiner's or the bookkeepers execution . With respect to the instance of VW, 7-Eleven and Turing. huge network with broadcasting disturbance about their shameful and self absorbed execution. The ethics of corporate is mainly perceived as a substance of corporate self-guideline with the goal that inconvenient outsiders dont have their nose in the illicit relationships of the organization. The September disrespects suggest a totally different upright natures. This air could bankroll to the hardship of moral morals. Morals to be fused in business organizations being progressively caught and increasingly open hubbub ought to be there. To have usable morals they should be lashed onto organizations against their assurance. Business morals is self-overseeing, not business. Recently, Nestle has finished headings twice for getting in a compromising position spying on Attic, a non-government affiliation. Settle has been all around requested to pay reward to the affiliation. The negative issue of matchless quality and maintaining ethics are the leading group of administrations have obligatory duties to accomplish in the exceptional thought of the enterprise. Breaking those duties by not conferring legitimate preparing can have a significant misfortune to the association (Capozzi, n.d) Fights rise when a companies investors don't vivaciously give in the attractive and in its place recruit talented association to keep up and maintain the business or foundation. We have s even that the companys association with its investors communicates and portrays its principled qualities. McDonalds, even its a fruitful brand around the world, remains the bulls-eye of a venomous city repercussion attributable to what many recognize as awful expert trustworthy qualities in its relationship with workforces and different members and investors. Heaps of upkeep are required like the investors meeting record, directorate reports and other fundamental archives. Bunches of maintainece are required as they are the significant records of the organization and should be overseen appropriately. Due to such a large amount of partnership customs will prompt misusing and debasement. The executives will be disturbed. Debasement and grease up distributions exist as certain states, mainly like African countries, are acquainted with get grease up surges as a method of accepting authoritative assignments achieved in less time or favor with local organizations. Extra difficulty of upkeep of morals in overall business is the nonexistence of work for different enterprises at whatever point the directions are been divided or broken. Mattel has gotten notoriety for making hazardous dolls. The enterprise subcontracted work to China to drop down the expense of creation, however the dolls that came back again were treated with defiled lead conceal and contained multiple times the legitimate furthest reaches of lead content. The dolls made were unwell appended little lodestones that could cut the guts whenever consumed. The dolls built up a significant threat, and Mattel needed to recognition them, and face network anger for its corrupt corporate conduct. It is pricey as creating, spreading and support a morals dormancy bundle inside the organization can be terrible and troublesome. Reasonable organization of an ethics list regularly needs the endorsement of a standards general and the capability of organization monetary and staffs reserves. The set of principles once in a while bring untrustworthy execution. Representatives are by and large not permitted to talk on the subject as they dread losing the employment and no top down methodology is there to tell the complaint and different things. Deciding to consume around $50 million on a unique confined plane later charming $45 billion in payer of assessments stores to remain above water, as Citibank did is an exemplary case of degenerate business ethics. Making substances mediocre for Citibank, CEO Vikram Pundit leaned back to Congress that he built up a reward of one million per year when the genuine figure was $11 million (Nayab, 2014) Organizations ruin inunprincipled business behaviorprincipally to misuse incomes. By the by, buyers and investors had the mixed up path strategic endeavor incomes can be a misfortune to the altruism. References Macdonald, L. (2016).Advantages and drawbacks of business morals. Recovered 09 December 2016 from circumstances drawbacks business-morals 10414.html Capozzi, C. (n.d). The drawbacks of International business morals. Recovered 09 December 2016 from business-ethics.html The discussion (2015). Volkswagen cases show why we should push back on corporate morals . Recovered 09 December 2016 from 48739 Nayab, N. (2014).Real world instances of awful morals. Recovered 09 December 2016 from visionaries/articles/115557.aspx

Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Idea of National Interest

The Idea of National Interest The Idea of National Interest Home›Consideration Posts›The Idea of National Interest Consideration PostsShould Government Use Propaganda to Persuade Citizens to Support its Idea of National Interest?The definition of the word propaganda is highly debatable due to the fact that there are various forms of propaganda but a simpler way could be that propaganda is any information, ideas or rumours deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, a movement, institution, nation, etc. It can also be defined as the deliberate spreading of such information, or the particular doctrines or principles propagated by an organization or movement. Propaganda is therefore information or ideas, the spreading of such information and the means by which the ideas are spread to either help or harm individual(s) (Evonne, 74). propaganda can be in forms of adverts i.e. using strong statements to state your product as the best in the market, an appeal to convince subjects that one side is the winning side or feeding subjects with only positive ideas and omitting the contrary information.The government should not use propaganda to persuade its citizens to support its ideas of national interests; this is because propagandas are always based on one side of opinion neglecting the contrary ideas or information which could otherwise be of equal importance to the subjects. They always aim at moving the subjects to join a crowd or common multitude just because others are doing so or due to selfishness but not on concrete reasons. This is exemplified by the World War 1 in which all nations that participated used propaganda posters not only as a means of justifying involvement in the war but also as a means of procuring men, money and resources from their citizens to sustain the military neglecting the wars effects on the people (Evonne, 78).Propagandas are known to always focus on one perspective of a topic, supporting it at all costs while neglecting the minority’s opinion. T his is a very wrong approach in today’s world where diplomacy has taken preference such that the majority should have their way while the minority have their say (Gardner, McDevitt, Hoogeveen and Scully, 160).It is therefore very inappropriate that in a world governed by democracy where each citizen has a right to speak his/her mind and make personal decisions is influenced by propaganda from his or her own government.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Hurricanes Storms And Hurricanes - 1226 Words

Hurricanes are unpredictable and extremely dangerous. Not all storms start out as hurricanes. They form out in the ocean near the coast of Africa. Through the hurricanes journey, how fast or slow the storm moves will depend on the weather fueling it. The projected path varies because of wind, rain, size of storm and whether it hit any land or not. Throughout history Florida has been the hardest hit area by hurricanes. Florida has had ten worst hurricanes which caused most people to try and flee from their homes. These hurricanes caused life altering effects and devastation for those who lived in the path of the storm. The three major hurricanes that hit Florida’s coastline brought intense wind, rain, destruction, and unpreparedness. Although Florida has suffered through many tropical storms and hurricanes, Floridians finally overcame their laxed attitude toward preparation due to the devastation of Hurricane Andrew. The hurricane that hit the Florida Keys gave way to a new destruction against the people living there. This hurricane was not named but it hit on Labor Day, September 1935. The American Meteorologists inscribed the storm as being the most terrifying and placed it in the annuals history book (Reilly storm started out small but sat in the Atlantic Ocean where the warm waters helped it to develop stronger. When it made landfall it killed about four hundred and eight people not discriminating against color. In 1935, theShow MoreRelatedThe Storm Surge Of The Hurricane1487 Words   |  6 PagesWhoosh! Snap! Help me! Hurricanes are natural disasters that are treacherous and lethal to the living things on this planet. The term hurricane refers to â€Å"cyclones† over the Atlantic Ocean, or the eastern Pacific Ocean (Ouellette 8). They are formed out over the sea, and they can bring high walls of water towards the inland, which is generally alluded to as a storm surge. A storm surge is a humongous wall of ocean water which can be as tall as 20 feet, or 6 meters, high, or even taller at timesRead MoreHurricanes : A Tropical Storm1373 Words   |  6 PagesHurricanes A hurricane is a low pressure system that is classified as a tropical storm with winds exceeding 74 mph. Hurricanes are found in the Atlantic Ocean; however, they are also found in other places but are classified under different names. In the northern Indian Ocean and in the Bay of Bengal these tropical storms are referred to as cyclones; yet, in the western Pacific Ocean these tropical storms are classified as typhoons. However, the hurricanes that impact the United States coast theRead MoreThe Storm Of The Hurricane Katrina1193 Words   |  5 PagesAugust 29, 2005 the Hurricane Katrina had stuck. â€Å"When the storm made landfall, it had a Category 3 rating on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale–it brought sustained winds of 100–140 miles per hour–and stretched some 400 miles across.†(Hurricane Katrina.†) Katrina had destroyed the state, Louisianan is located below the city level. A known target to be floored by the Gulf Coast. â€Å"Local, sta te and federal -- was unprepared, uncoordinated and overwhelmed in dealing with the Hurricane Katrina disasterRead MoreHurricane Katrin A Devastating Storm1576 Words   |  7 PagesHurricane Katrina was a devastating storm that ravaged New Orleans, but it was more than just a natural disaster. The general public and even some top officials are quick to dismiss this great storm as an inevitable force of mother nature as if it was just another hurricane of the season. In doing so, they subscribe to a mindset that is actually a disservice to those who suffered Hurricane Katrina’s wrath. A myriad of publications like Come Hell or High Water, Overcoming Katrina, and There is NoRead MoreWeathering The Storm Of Hurricane Katrina1970 Words   |  8 Pages Weathering the Storm On the morning of Monday, August 29, 2005, in southeast Louisiana, hurricane Katrina made its second landfall. It began as a category one hurricane in the Bahamas and crossed the southern tip of Florida into the Gulf of Mexico, where is mixed with the warm waters and grew into a category five hurricane. After making landfall the second time, it weakened to a category three hurricane but still caused catastrophic damage to everything in its path. Hurricane Katrina resulted inRead MoreHurricane Katrin The Worst Tropical Storm1512 Words   |  7 PagesHurricane Katrina can be described as the worst tropical storm to touch the United States. This catastrophic disaster occurred August 29, 2005 killing over 1800 people and causing billions of dollars in damages. Most of the damages were to homes, buildings, schools, and city infrastructure. The vulnerable populations in this disaster were the elderly, the disabled, and lower income households. These people were very vulnerable due to th e lack of resources like finances and automobiles, which wouldRead MoreHurricane Sandy Was A Devastating Storm1314 Words   |  6 Pages Hurricane Sandy Breakthrough By: Kene Ochuba Date: Friday November 6, 2015 Hurricane Sandy was a devastating storm nicknamed â€Å"The Frankenstorm†. The Frankenstorm happened from October 19-October 31. Hurricane Sandy was very catastrophic and damaged lots of properties. The cost of repairs was billions of dollars. Hurricane Sandy is the second most costly hurricane behind hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Sandy at night on October 28, 2015. Hurricanes are large gusts of wind that are concentratedRead MoreHurricane Sandy: the Storm that Changed New Jersey676 Words   |  3 Pagesthe 2012 Atlantic hurricane season, New Jersey was hit by a deadly hurricane that left southern parts of the state in complete ruins. Not only were thousands of homes and businesses destroyed, but also over one hundred people were killed nationwide. This hurricane was a natural disaster that thousands of people could never forget about. The history making hurricane, Hurricane Sandy, did not only leave destruction in New Jersey, but also personal and economic troubles. Hurricane Sandy started offRead MoreHurricane Katrin Powerful Storm Turned Deadly Catastrophe1956 Words   |  8 PagesHurricane Katrina: Powerful Storm Turned Deadly Catastrophe On the morning of August 29, 2005, New Orleans, Louisiana became the site of one of the worst natural disasters in United States history – Hurricane Katrina. Ranked as the single most costly natural disaster and one of the five deadliest hurricanes in the United States, Hurricane Katrina was certainly not an average storm. The hurricane itself did not appear to be extremely abnormal, as Atlantic hurricanes of similar or greater magnitudesRead MoreSci 209 Week 4 Paper984 Words   |  4 PagesOceans, Hurricanes, and the Climate SCI 209 Your Name March 01, 2010 Introduction Natural disasters occurring from the climate change could be on the rise. Global warming has been rumored to be causing more hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, heavier monsoonal rains that cause major flooding, mud slides, and other disasters worldwide. A tropical cyclone, also referred to as hurricanes, typhoons, or cyclones, depending on where in the world the cyclone is occurring, are one of the world’s grandest

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Richard Miller Free Essays

Brittany Scott February 22, 2013 Prof. Brittany Scott February 22, 2013 Prof. â€Å"The Stereotypes of Freire, Miller, Rodriguez, and Bordo† Having to read four stories from four well educated authors can leave you puzzled, but it can also open your mind to other forms of learning. We will write a custom essay sample on Richard Miller or any similar topic only for you Order Now The stories â€Å"The ‘Banking’ Concept of Education by Paulo Freire, â€Å"The Dark Knight of the Soul† by Richard Miller, â€Å"The Achievement of Desire† by Richard Rodriguez, and â€Å"Beauty (Re)Discovers the Males Body† by Susan Bordo all take on different aspects of learning. But while analyzing my readings I noticed that each author made a stereotype for their view of learning. Paulo Freire’s, said to be one of the most influential radical educators of our world viewings of literature were based on students and teachers. Freire created a system for teachers and students to have an equal power, but while doing his research him began to compare student teacher learning relations. Freire stereotyped students as takers (depositories) and teacher’s givers (depositors), but he also made it known that at times a student can be the giver. By students getting their education from a higher power, Freire feels as if it is depriving students of their creativity. In a passage from Freire states â€Å"Oppression – overwhelming control – is necrophilic; it is nourished by love of death, not life. The banking concept of education, which serves the interest of oppression, is also necrophilic. Based on a mechanistic, static, naturalistic, spatialized, view of consciousness, it transforms students into receiving objects. It attempts to control thinking and action, leads women and men to adjust to the world, and inhibits their creative powers. † I believe that Freire use his concepts as examples. From the quote from the book, he made it known that we as students are oppressed by the higher authority, the teacher. Through his explanations he made it known that we receive and the more that we just receive, we are only going to regurgitate. Which leave you to having no creativity. In Richard E. Miller†s â€Å"The Dark Knight of the Soul† he compared literature to massacres. In Millers first story He used the events that happened at Columbine High School. Stating that the two young fellas Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were all these things such as middle class, follower and leader, smart kid and a loser, and the even had alcohol fueled dreams but yet Miller felt as if more education and religion would have kept the two in line. The young ma Harris was said to have applied to numerous of colleges but was rejected and he was also rejected from the Marine Corps from having some drug in his system, all of this being weeks before the big massacre. They were bright students and brilliant when it came to computers and math but only one of them had something going for themself and that was Klebold. Klebold was well known in school, had a date for prom and even visited a college wee we was going to be attending in the upcoming semester, but soon both boys worlds would meet and collide. Miller basically said that if we read, write, and talk more that we are less likely to commit to deviance acts of violence. Richard Rodriguez used himself as a personal image but used his family as reflective image for the upcoming success he was striving for in â€Å"The Achievement of Desire. † Although Rodriguez is Latino and his family is considered to be middle class, as he got older and his knowledge began to expand he began to look down on of those little or less knowledge of what he knew. He was very distant from his family because of the love he ad from his books and the little interaction he would give them because he felt different; he felt like he could/should be better than them. As he got older his family laughed at him and called him names because he somewhat considered himself better than them. As he got older he began to critique himself for the distance, looking down on his family, and wanting to be so much of a scholar that he finally realized he was basically by himself. Being in a school in another country, watching others and how they socialize made realize that he was by himself and that instead of investing so much time into books, trying to be like that teacher he should have invested his time into a family ad even having friends. In Susan Bordo’s â€Å"Beauty (Re) discovers the Male Body† she takes the pressure off of us woman and finally puts it on the man by comparing the judgment of the males’ picture and the females’ picture. Bordo took the fire off of us females and finally put it of the male by comparing the likelihood of a female dressed a certain way in a photo on a billboard or in a magazine somewhere to a male dressed with more or less clothing. I can recall Bordo saying â€Å"Woman may dread being surveyed harshly†¦ men are not supposed to enjoy being surveyed period. † She feels that men are getting more comfortable wearing little to no clothing, being looked at as meat, or maybe even a sex symbol. In a commercial advertisement that Bordo seen read â€Å"men act and woman appear. A man can sit around and do work but not pay attention to any attention that is coming his way while a woman will show off her legs and her cleavage just to get that attention she is looking for. As time changes men are becoming more self-conscious of their appearance and what others may think of them. They are more willing to pose naked and take on certain roles in movies that they would not have in once upo n a time. Whether it is their size, their looks, their shape, or even their masculinity both mean and woman are creatures of appearances and actions. Each author has their own perception of imaging. Whether it is visual, hands on, or something that they actually may have been a part of. During their phases of teaching they all began to hypothesize or stereotype a human been in some shape or form of an object. They still stick to their idea and they go on to describe how and why they feel that we as people are what they are characterizing. Freire, Miller, Rodrigues, and Bordo were all well educated in their area of works. They also made it easy for me as a student to understand learning through their eyes. How to cite Richard Miller, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

The Management Of Conflict Between The Manger Of An Organization

Question: Discuss about the Management Of Conflict Between The Manger Of An Organization. Answer: Type of workplace grievance received by the manager: The type of workplace grievance received by the manager was of bullying and assaulting others by an employee of the organization. The employee in consideration was accused of willful misconduct (Kearney Mareschal, 2014). The employee had been accused of getting intoxicated in the work premises and causing a chaos in the office under the influence of alcohol. Several instances of verbal and physical abuse of co-workers by the several were also reported. Issue: Reason of termination The manager of the organization in consideration had terminated an employee on the grounds of willful misconduct (Mohamed, 2014). The aforementioned employee had violated the workplace rules and regulations on several occasions which resulted in the termination of the same. The employee was accused of being under the influence of alcohol and creating a ruckus with the rest of the employees. The employee on several occasions was warned of the same but the repetition of the same event kept on happening. On one instance the employee had physically and verbally abused another co-worker which resulted in the resignation of the victimized employee. The manager of the chosen organization, after observing his misconduct for a long time and discussing the fate of the employee with the other managers decided to terminate him by giving him a termination letter. The employee after being terminated approached the workers union and complained about his termination from the organization in consider ation (Kornhauser,2014). A representative of the aforementioned union approached the manager, responsible for the termination of the employee and accused the manager for the same grievance. Role of the manager in handling the grievance: It can be mentioned the manager has certain roles in handling the grievance received by the union representative. The manager of the chosen organization must fix a meeting with the representative of the workers union, who has alleged the manager of the chosen organization to have unlawfully and unethically terminated the employee. The manager must explain to the representative of the union of workers the reason of the termination of the aforementioned employee (Wallensteen, 2015). He must explain that the behavior of the employee was unacceptable in the office and workplace. He must explain to the union representative that the reason of termination of the employee was justified ad the same was necessary for the smooth functioning of work in the office premises (Kersley et al., 2013). The manager of the chosen organization must produce tangible witness to substantiate his claim. He must also produce witnesses who could vouch for the misconduct of the aforementioned employee. In this c ase the employee who had been verbally and physically abused by the terminated employee under the influence of alcohol could be called upon as a witness of the willful misconduct of the accused employee during the meeting with the Union representative. The manager must prove that the reasons for the termination of the employee had been conveyed to the employee prior to the termination (Goldberg et al., 2014). Responsibilities of the HR Advisor: The HR serves as the link between the management and the employees of the organization. The HR Advisor has some responsibilities in handling and tackling a situation such as this. Some of the responsibilities of the HR advisor are as follows: Giving advice to the manager to solve dispute between the management and the employee Explaining to the manager, the disputes and the grievances of the employees and the Workers Union Arranging a meeting with the managers of the organization, the representative of the workers union and the terminated employee Advising the manager on how to handle a situation such as this Communicating the decision of the manager to the terminated employee and the workers union and the reason for taking such decision Recommendations to the Manager: The advice to be given to the manager of the aforementioned organization is to adopt certain policies to tackle with the problem being faced by the same. It is to be mentioned that the manager has to conduct a proper investigation regarding the reason of termination of the employee (Roche Teague, 2014). The investigation must specifically produce results which talk about the kind of misconduct committed, where and when such misconduct was committed and who were affected by such misconduct. The investigation must shed light on the following: The result of the investigation must specifically mention the name of the employee who has been accused of willful misconduct The act of getting intoxicated by the employee in the office premises, The act of violence committed by the same on the other employees and the physical and verbal abuse committed by the same are to be highlighted in the results of the investigation. Time of occurrence of the same is also to be mentioned in the result of such investigation. The opinion of other employees about terminated employee. The same must be recorded and presented to the union representative. The fact must be established that there was valid reason of termination of the aforementioned employee and the same had a negative influence on the rest of the employees of the chosen organization. The manager of the aforementioned organization must be made aware and advised about the response to the allegation (Saundry Wibberley, 2014). It is to be stated that the manager must be very tactful about handling the same. The manager must provide the terminated employee a copy of the evidence collected against him as the reason of his termination (Jackson, Schuler Jiang, 2014). The manager if necessary must give the terminated employee some advance wages or salary as a compensation for the termination of the same (Larkin Pierce, 2015). As an HR, I would like to advise you on how to handle the allegations charged by the terminated employee regarding the grounds of termination. It can be stated that you, as a manager of Canadian Realtors Private Limited, have certain responsibilities and need to be very clear about the grounds of termination of any employee. In consideration of the Allegations faced it is advisable that you respond to the same in a professional manner which justifies the grounds of termination of the employee. The grievances of the terminated employee as well as the Union Representative need to be addressed and both the parties should be convinced that such termination was required on your part to enable the smooth functioning of the organization. Proper evidence should be provided to the parties substantiating your claims of willful misconduct by the terminated employee. A proper letter to the terminated employee should also be provided stating the reason of his termination and the same should conta in the aforementioned conditions. Some monetary incentive should be provided to the employee, in case of sudden and abrupt termination which could serve as compensation to the employee. I hope this letter will be of valuable help to you in dealing with the crisis that you are facing and finding a solution for the same. References Goldberg, S. B., Sander, F. E., Rogers, N. H., Cole, S. R. (2014).Dispute resolution: Negotiation, mediation and other processes. Wolters KluwerLaw Business.,+S.+B.,+Sander,+F.+E.,+Rogers,+N.+H.,+%26+Cole,+S.+R.+(2014).+Dispute+resolution:+Negotiation,+mediation+and+other+processes.+Wolters+Kluwer+Law+%26+Business.ots=IPWmUCZ5Qcsig=iiRo_43_nYX8ugX--2hgTOhdcTI#v=onepageqf=false Jackson, S. E., Schuler, R. S., Jiang, K. (2014). An aspirational framework for strategic human resource management.Academy of Management Annals,8(1), 1-56.. Kearney, R. C., Mareschal, P. M. (2014).Labor relations in the public sector. crc Press.,+R.+C.,+%26+Mareschal,+P.+M.+(2014).+Labor+relations+in+the+public+sector.+crc+Press.ots=zwecSKGgQhsig=j_aCgRPOBOrmG8Fndql5Oxci14A#v=onepageqf=false Kersley, B., Alpin, C., Forth, J., Bryson, A., Bewley, H., Dix, G., Oxenbridge, S. (2013).Inside the workplace: findings from the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey. Routledge.,+B.,+Alpin,+C.,+Forth,+J.,+Bryson,+A.,+Bewley,+H.,+Dix,+G.,+%26+Oxenbridge,+S.+(2013).+Inside+the+workplace:+findings+from+the+2004+Workplace+Employment+Relations+Survey.+Routledge.ots=IlXoVbafhhsig=tAJ3RKQVbLHaTODWXwOhJ9FQivk#v=onepageqf=false Kornhauser, A. (2014). Psychology of labor management relations.LERA For Libraries Larkin, I., Pierce, L. (2015). Compensation and employee misconduct: the inseparability of productive and counterproductive behavior in firms.Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, 1-27. Mohamed, A. A. A. (2014).Dismissal from Employment and the Remedies. LexisNexis. Roche, W. 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