Monday, May 4, 2020

The Management Of Conflict Between The Manger Of An Organization

Question: Discuss about the Management Of Conflict Between The Manger Of An Organization. Answer: Type of workplace grievance received by the manager: The type of workplace grievance received by the manager was of bullying and assaulting others by an employee of the organization. The employee in consideration was accused of willful misconduct (Kearney Mareschal, 2014). The employee had been accused of getting intoxicated in the work premises and causing a chaos in the office under the influence of alcohol. Several instances of verbal and physical abuse of co-workers by the several were also reported. Issue: Reason of termination The manager of the organization in consideration had terminated an employee on the grounds of willful misconduct (Mohamed, 2014). The aforementioned employee had violated the workplace rules and regulations on several occasions which resulted in the termination of the same. The employee was accused of being under the influence of alcohol and creating a ruckus with the rest of the employees. The employee on several occasions was warned of the same but the repetition of the same event kept on happening. On one instance the employee had physically and verbally abused another co-worker which resulted in the resignation of the victimized employee. The manager of the chosen organization, after observing his misconduct for a long time and discussing the fate of the employee with the other managers decided to terminate him by giving him a termination letter. The employee after being terminated approached the workers union and complained about his termination from the organization in consider ation (Kornhauser,2014). A representative of the aforementioned union approached the manager, responsible for the termination of the employee and accused the manager for the same grievance. Role of the manager in handling the grievance: It can be mentioned the manager has certain roles in handling the grievance received by the union representative. The manager of the chosen organization must fix a meeting with the representative of the workers union, who has alleged the manager of the chosen organization to have unlawfully and unethically terminated the employee. The manager must explain to the representative of the union of workers the reason of the termination of the aforementioned employee (Wallensteen, 2015). He must explain that the behavior of the employee was unacceptable in the office and workplace. He must explain to the union representative that the reason of termination of the employee was justified ad the same was necessary for the smooth functioning of work in the office premises (Kersley et al., 2013). The manager of the chosen organization must produce tangible witness to substantiate his claim. He must also produce witnesses who could vouch for the misconduct of the aforementioned employee. In this c ase the employee who had been verbally and physically abused by the terminated employee under the influence of alcohol could be called upon as a witness of the willful misconduct of the accused employee during the meeting with the Union representative. The manager must prove that the reasons for the termination of the employee had been conveyed to the employee prior to the termination (Goldberg et al., 2014). Responsibilities of the HR Advisor: The HR serves as the link between the management and the employees of the organization. The HR Advisor has some responsibilities in handling and tackling a situation such as this. Some of the responsibilities of the HR advisor are as follows: Giving advice to the manager to solve dispute between the management and the employee Explaining to the manager, the disputes and the grievances of the employees and the Workers Union Arranging a meeting with the managers of the organization, the representative of the workers union and the terminated employee Advising the manager on how to handle a situation such as this Communicating the decision of the manager to the terminated employee and the workers union and the reason for taking such decision Recommendations to the Manager: The advice to be given to the manager of the aforementioned organization is to adopt certain policies to tackle with the problem being faced by the same. It is to be mentioned that the manager has to conduct a proper investigation regarding the reason of termination of the employee (Roche Teague, 2014). The investigation must specifically produce results which talk about the kind of misconduct committed, where and when such misconduct was committed and who were affected by such misconduct. The investigation must shed light on the following: The result of the investigation must specifically mention the name of the employee who has been accused of willful misconduct The act of getting intoxicated by the employee in the office premises, The act of violence committed by the same on the other employees and the physical and verbal abuse committed by the same are to be highlighted in the results of the investigation. Time of occurrence of the same is also to be mentioned in the result of such investigation. The opinion of other employees about terminated employee. The same must be recorded and presented to the union representative. The fact must be established that there was valid reason of termination of the aforementioned employee and the same had a negative influence on the rest of the employees of the chosen organization. The manager of the aforementioned organization must be made aware and advised about the response to the allegation (Saundry Wibberley, 2014). It is to be stated that the manager must be very tactful about handling the same. The manager must provide the terminated employee a copy of the evidence collected against him as the reason of his termination (Jackson, Schuler Jiang, 2014). The manager if necessary must give the terminated employee some advance wages or salary as a compensation for the termination of the same (Larkin Pierce, 2015). As an HR, I would like to advise you on how to handle the allegations charged by the terminated employee regarding the grounds of termination. It can be stated that you, as a manager of Canadian Realtors Private Limited, have certain responsibilities and need to be very clear about the grounds of termination of any employee. In consideration of the Allegations faced it is advisable that you respond to the same in a professional manner which justifies the grounds of termination of the employee. The grievances of the terminated employee as well as the Union Representative need to be addressed and both the parties should be convinced that such termination was required on your part to enable the smooth functioning of the organization. Proper evidence should be provided to the parties substantiating your claims of willful misconduct by the terminated employee. A proper letter to the terminated employee should also be provided stating the reason of his termination and the same should conta in the aforementioned conditions. Some monetary incentive should be provided to the employee, in case of sudden and abrupt termination which could serve as compensation to the employee. I hope this letter will be of valuable help to you in dealing with the crisis that you are facing and finding a solution for the same. References Goldberg, S. B., Sander, F. E., Rogers, N. H., Cole, S. R. (2014).Dispute resolution: Negotiation, mediation and other processes. Wolters KluwerLaw Business.,+S.+B.,+Sander,+F.+E.,+Rogers,+N.+H.,+%26+Cole,+S.+R.+(2014).+Dispute+resolution:+Negotiation,+mediation+and+other+processes.+Wolters+Kluwer+Law+%26+Business.ots=IPWmUCZ5Qcsig=iiRo_43_nYX8ugX--2hgTOhdcTI#v=onepageqf=false Jackson, S. E., Schuler, R. S., Jiang, K. (2014). An aspirational framework for strategic human resource management.Academy of Management Annals,8(1), 1-56.. Kearney, R. C., Mareschal, P. M. 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