Saturday, March 7, 2020

KKK and the Cross in Cincinnati essays

KKK and the Cross in Cincinnati essays The KKK are only putting the cross up in Fountain Square because they want attention. Do we want to give them what they want? NO! So, we can all not pay any attention to the cross. Instead of criticizing it, we worship it. Its like whenever a little kid is doing something really annoying and you keep telling them to stop, but they dont because they just want attention. What do you do to get them to stop? You dont pay any attention to them and eventually they figure out you dont care what theyre doing, so they dont do it anymore. Once they put the cross up there, all the Catholics should all go downtown as a city and make a big circle around it and say prayers. Then, we tell them how meaningful and religious it is to us, and how we cant ever repay the KKK because they are too nice. This will make them discouraged and frusterated. We can either praise this cross, or we can just NOT PAY ATTENTION TO IT AT ALL. For example, I cant tell you how many news stories have been written about this whole controversy. The KKK only puts the cross to get a rise out of us and make us angry, then we wont give them what they want. They will have then wasted their money on that property, and be furious. I think my little theory will work, if everyone follows through on it. If it doesnt work, then well work this out from there. We cant just sit back and write about how horrible the KKK is for putting the cross up without doing anything. ...

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